
Indiana Republicans Snub The Establishment In Lieutenant Governor Race



In a stunning turn of events at the 2024 Indiana GOP Convention, Micah Beckwith, a pastor from Noblesville, clinched the lieutenant governor nomination by 63 votes. The surprising victory over Julie McGuire, the handpicked candidate of gubernatorial front-runner Mike Braun, has sent shockwaves through the establishment wing of the Indiana Republican Party. 

Despite the state’s supermajority Republican status, there has been growing dissatisfaction among the rank and file. Many Hoosiers feel the establishment sect of the Indiana State House has failed to deliver on key issues, acting more like Democrats in practice than true conservatives. The frustration has been brewing for some time, and Beckwith’s victory is seen as a direct response to these concerns. 

Beckwith’s appeal lies in his outsider status and genuine connection with regular voters. Unlike the polished, establishment-backed McGuire, who had only recently entered the race and received significant financial backing, Beckwith has been in the trenches, engaging directly with the people. His background as a businessman and his straightforward grassroots approach resonated deeply with delegates at the convention. 

The night before the vote, the contrast between the two candidates’ events was stark. McGuire’s gathering was filled with seasoned politicians and party elites, while Beckwith’s event was packed with ordinary citizens, energized and hopeful for change. Beckwith took the time to listen to attendees’ concerns and share his vision for the future, creating a deep sense of connection and authenticity. 

This victory also serves as a wake-up call for Braun. Despite his own outsider campaign for

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