
Indiana Health Department Withholds Records Detailing Abortionist Malfeasance



The Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) is blocking accountability for law-breaking abortionists by ceasing to release abortion records that regularly detail medical malfeasance. The decision follows several high-profile embarrassments for the health department and the abortion industry that resulted from making these records public in accord with state law.

Last year, the records exposed that abortionists may have broken Indiana law by failing to report abortions committed against girls younger than 16, likely rape victims. They also showed that the IDOH failed to shut down several abortion facilities even after four women died after abortions in those facilities.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita was also chastised by the state Supreme Court’s ethics office in November after his office doggedly followed up on information these records exposed about potential abortionist malfeasance. He was threatened with loss of his law license for accurately stating that an Indiana abortionist who killed the baby inside a 10-year-old rape victim is “an abortion activist acting as a doctor—with a history of failing to report.” After he paid a $250 fine to quickly resolve the issue, abortion supporters are seeking yet another investigation targeting Rokita’s law license because he hasn’t appeared publicly apologetic enough.

For years, Voices for Life used Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act to obtain “thousands” of monthly terminated pregnancy reports (TPRs) without a hitch. They and several other pro-life organizations use these abortion records to file oversight complaints with the IDOH and the attorney general’s office about potential abortionist misconduct revealed

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