
In Iowa, Tucker Carlson Did The Job The Decaying Media Monolith Won’t



Last week, six Republican candidates for president had to answer questions from an interviewer who actually shares a lot of the same views and concerns as the average person who will end up voting for those candidates. How novel!

Friday’s interviews, hosted by Tucker Carlson and Blaze Media at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, have implications aplenty for the Republican Party, the 2024 primary, and the candidates themselves (some of whom escaped the hot seat more intact than others). But the biggest loser of the day wasn’t Mike Pence or Asa Hutchinson; it was the failed gatekeepers in America’s corporate media.

The Media Charade

The big shots at legacy media outlets like CNN or MSNBC are so disgusted by Republicans, from Trump to concerned parents to pregnancy center volunteers, that it’s impossible for them to take conservatives or their ideas seriously. Even just having a (the?) prominent Republican on air for an interview is anathema; look at the meltdown they had after CNN hosted a town hall with Donald Trump.

When Republicans are invited on air, it’s for one of two purposes: to mock them or to get them to cave to the hive mind. Often, the first tactic is used to achieve the second. Elected Republicans are chronically susceptible to this.

No matter what, the peppering always comes from one direction. CNN anchors don’t ask questions from the perspective of Republican voters; they ask questions from the perspective of D.C. or New York journalists who spend their lives

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