
In Hyperreality, Podcasting Is The New Punk Rock



Did you notice how quickly the narrative changed after the Nashville shooting on March 27? Almost immediately after a woman who thought she was a man slaughtered innocent employees and students at a Christian day school, powerful institutions worked to shift the nation’s focus away from the actions of a spiritually and mentally broken individual and began issuing statements of solidarity with the “trans community.”

The children and staff, likely targeted for their religious affiliation, were no longer victims. We weren’t supposed to mourn them. The identity group of the murderer, who sought to kill innocent people, was the truly aggrieved group, said the corporate media

Individuals throughout the highest levels of government, media, and business used their institutional influence in an attempt to warp the public’s perception of reality. This Orwellian process has become our civilizational norm and is analogous to the late French thinker Jean Baudrillard’s concept of “hyperreality.”

When reality manifests in ways opposing the ruling class’s preferred narratives, it’s either suppressed or ignored until it goes away. It’s also astroturfed by institutions with generational influence to establish artificial cultural supremacy of preferred narratives regardless of validity.

The corporate media’s feigned ignorance over the origin of Covid-19, the maliciously drawn-out Russia collusion hoax, and the excusal of the destructive and lethal BLM riots of 2020 as “social justice” are perfect examples of this; they are simulacra of an ideologically warped reality superimposed on real-life events, thus obscuring their true nature and

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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