
In Bemoaning What They ‘Won’t Teach Anymore,’ Educators Reveal 6 Ways They Indoctrinate Students



It turns out that laws against leftist indoctrination in schools are working. When parents and politicians hold teachers accountable, those teachers become more thoughtful with what they do in the classroom.

At least, this is the case for most teachers. Some teachers will complain they just can’t teach under such conditions. According to a recent essay by Hannah Natanson in The Washington Post, conservatives are keeping teachers from teaching their students “basic truths.”

Of course, there’s much more to the story. With one exception, all the teachers complaining prioritized indoctrinating their students over educating them. Fortunately, parents and administrators stopped these teachers, but there are many more educators pushing a similar agenda. For this reason, it’s worthwhile for all Americans (especially those connected to K-12 schooling) to examine Natanson’s examples to learn exactly how teachers are indoctrinating students.

1. Slavery

The first supposed “thing” teachers won’t teach is that slavery is wrong. This conclusion was reached based on the experience of Greg Wickenkamp, who wanted to use materials from an anti-colonialist Marxist (Howard Zinn) and a prominent anti-racist pseudo-academic (Ibram X. Kendi). Although his school offered little direction in what materials were allowed — as though it isn’t obvious that these texts are incredibly one-sided — certain members of the community complained about Wickenkamp pushing leftism on his students and “teaching Critical Race Theory.”

Wickenkamp somehow equated these criticisms of his materials with teaching that slavery was wrong. He asked his superintendent directly at a Zoom meeting whether teachers could

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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