
In ‘Alpha Kings,’ Nick Adams Shows Men How To Live Life To The Fullest



The masculinity crisis presents an existential risk to civilization. 

Men continue to overdose, drop out, and kill themselves at alarming rates. Millions of children are being raised in single-mother households. Men are retreating from society. They continue to disappear from the workforce, refuse to join the military, and build fewer close friendships.

In an America post-material scarcity and post-sexual revolution, men have been told they are obsolete. They’re not welcome on campus, they’re not welcome in the workforce, and they’re not welcome in positions of influence unless they’re willing to capitulate to leftwing orthodoxy.

Enter Nick Adams. Adams is a conservative, Australian-American author who leads an online community of aspiring “Alpha Males” primarily consisting of 15- to 35-year-olds. Adams’ new book Alpha Kings, according to its website, is meant to provide “the roadmap for every young man to unlock their full potential.”

Adams’s book contains a good amount of wisdom from his life experiences, from recalling how his education in an all-boys school in Sydney, Australia, taught him the importance of male friendship to recounting how his father once chastised him for poor posture to emphasizing that men must be particular when selecting a mate. Through relaying anecdotes and observation, Adams shows young men that they can, in fact, thrive despite the anti-male sentiment of our era.

But here’s the thing: Adams is one cheeky bloke. It’s partially why people find him so endearing and others find him offensive. You either get his sense of humor or you don’t. Sure, Adams

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