
Impeaching Biden Is The Right Call, But Don’t Stop With Him



House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made the right decision to launch a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden for what he called “serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct,” which taken together paint a picture of a “culture of corruption” surrounding the president.

That’s correct as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough. It won’t be enough simply to impeach Biden if GOP lawmakers don’t also go after the corrupt federal law enforcement agencies that have been hiding evidence against Biden, covering up his corruption, and obstructing investigations into the Biden family business. Indeed, the Justice Department and FBI’s involvement in all this is a much greater threat to America. 

Let’s start with what we do know. With apologies to Speaker McCarthy, the evidence uncovered thus far suggests much more than just a culture of corruption around Biden, but actual, straightforward corruption — foreign oligarchs allegedly bribing then-vice president Biden to make policy decisions that would benefit them. This wasn’t a complicated scheme. It involved overseas firms hiring or contracting with Biden’s son Hunter for access to Biden, and then laundering the money through a bunch of shell corporations. (Throwing money at Hunter was the best investment a corrupt foreign oligarch could ever make, it turns out.)

As my colleague Jordan Boyd chronicled back in July, dozens of people, including Hunter Biden’s former business partners, FBI and IRS whistleblowers, and at least one “highly credible” confidential FBI informant, have corroborated President Biden’s involvement in what amounts to a vast international bribery

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