
If You’re Still Griping About Trump, You Don’t Get Today’s GOP



If you’ve been paying attention to conservative political discourse in America, you’ve probably seen a recurring message spoken into the ether of social media by all manner of pundits and politicos. Different factions within the party are grappling with the bulletproof magnetism of Donald Trump, frustrated with their inability to guide the party back to the “respectable conservatism” of years past.

Indeed, Noah Rothman recently lamented that a generic conservative would be favored by the polls, and Republicans could taste success once more if only we simply return to our senses and nominate the generic conservative. This conclusion skirts the issue at hand, however. The GOP electorate is not clamoring for a return to a traditional conservative archetype. Instead, a controlling interest in the party sides with Trump in perpetuity. He is a leader who, despite his flaws, has captivated them in a manner unlike any other.

Trump’s ascendancy is not rooted in conventional political metrics. He is the only candidate in either party that embodies a genuine political movement, one with an appeal distinct from traditional policy platforms and partisan ideologies. His direct communication style, unyielding stance against perceived establishment forces, and readiness to challenge political norms resonate deeply with his supporters. It is an emotional connection and one that his political challengers have been unable to emulate let alone surpass. They see in Trump not just a leader, but a symbol of their values, frustrations, and aspirations. The most faithful supporters even believe he embodies America.

It is

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