
If You Think Trump Is The Abortion Extremist, You’ve Bought Democrat Propaganda



Florida’s Amendment 4 ballot initiative is not about overturning the state’s six-week abortion ban. It is about inscribing an unlimited, unregulated access to abortion-on-demand for the entire nine months of pregnancy into the state constitution.

Trump knows this, which is why he is voting “no” on Amendment 4. Yet the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz campaign and abortion apologists continue to deceive Americans, both about Trump’s position and the consequence of abortion initiatives. Now, prolifers have a unique opportunity to use the focus on Trump to counter the left’s lies.

Trump’s recent pronouncements on abortion policy have left many prolifers distraught. But rather than denounce Trump and hand the Oval Office over to Kamala Harris—the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever—the prolife movement should use the media attention Trump has brought to the issue to expose the falsehoods abortion apologists and the press continue to sell to the American public.

Prolife politicians and activists should begin with the fraud the left and the propaganda press are peddling over Florida’s Amendment 4 ballot initiative. Branded a “Right to Abortion Initiative,” the ballot initiative, if passed, would create a state constitutional right to abortion through birth. Of course, that’s not how abortion apologists portray Amendment 4, as demonstrated by both the Harris campaign and the legacy press’s response to Trump’s recent announcement that he would vote against the initiative.

On Friday, before taking the stage at a Pennsylvania rally, Fox New’s Bryan Llenas asked Trump whether he would “be voting yes or no on Amendment

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