
If You Don’t Buy Conservative Art, Ruthless Leftists Will Ensure Nobody Can



In a world where the left has achieved near-total dominance of the cultural space, finding an openly conservative artist can feel like tracking down an endangered species. Unfortunately, like poachers in the jungle, the left is on the hunt. 

While leftist artists can openly spew their bile for the world to hear, conservatives must be careful not to say anything that might expose them, lest they attract the woke mob’s notice.

I was recently reminded of how quickly a conservative career can die when I saw a Kickstarter campaign for a series of cards for the popular trading card game “Magic: the Gathering.” Nils Hamm, a prolific artist from early in the game’s history, had created a series of cards for the game, two of which were collaborations with Canadian artist Seb McKinnon. 

McKinnon came under fire last year during the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” protests, where throngs of truck drivers demonstrated in Ottawa, attempting to end tyrannical Covid-19 policies. The artist posted on Instagram in support of the protesters and said “the media and politicians are trying to paint this as ‘anti-vax’ and ‘white supremacist.’”

Indeed, the media claimed the protesters were blocking traffic and preventing denizens of Ottawa from navigating the city, something that was thoroughly debunked

“I am compelled to speak out and voice that what is going on in this country is NOT RIGHT,” McKinnon continued. “I choose love over fear. And for the first time in a long time, I feel hope.”

Following his praise for

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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