
If They Want To Vote, Women Should Be Subject To The Draft



This year’s reauthorization of U.S. military spending includes a provision registering women for the draft when they turn 18, same as men. Under the provisions, both sexes also will be automatically registered with Selective Service when they turn 18, rather than having to personally fill out the paperwork or face prison time.

Even in our highly feminist culture, women do not support being drafted. Yet of course many support female-preferential policies if it gets them privileges and sinecures instead of responsibilities, such as in sports (Title IX) and workplaces (Title VII).

Young women are the least supportive of “drafting women, as well as men, if the military draft were reinstated.”

Specifically, support for “drafting women as well as men” is:
▪️40% among women under 30
▪️54% among women over 55
▪️65% among men under 30
▪️67% among men over 55 https://t.co/TVLZNrSPyA pic.twitter.com/6pWTfKDAkX

— The Missing Data Depot (@data_depot) June 18, 2024

I also don’t support drafting women, because I have moral and natural rights objections to women serving in combat positions in the military. Men and women are different, and part of that difference is that female bodies poorly sustain combat-level stress. Even ripped women are physically inferior to average men, and female soldiers are much more likely to get and stay injured, damaging the readiness and lethality of their units. This means more U.S. soldiers dead and injured because of sexual politics.

On top of all this is the fact that putting women in the military also increases pregnancy and STD rates,

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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