
If Pennsylvania’s Elections Are So Secure, Why Did The DOJ Just Launch An Election Fraud Case There?



A Montgomery County Pennsylvania man has been charged with election fraud — one man, multiple votes — but local media wants you to know election fraud is really rare.

Philip C. Pulley of Huntington Valley, was charged with falsely registering to vote, double voting, and election fraud. United States Attorney Jacqueline Romero announced the charges on Friday.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) accuses Pulley of registering to vote in three counties: Montgomery and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania, and Broward County in Florida, using a false home address, and a false Social Security number.

Pulley, 62, is accused of requesting a mail-in ballot to vote in Philadelphia County in the 2020 general election, while also voting from Montgomery and Broward counties. He is also accused of voting in both Montgomery and Philadelphia counties in 2022.

Neither the document outlining the charges nor a spokeswoman from the DOJ’s U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of Philadelphia provided Pulley’s date of birth, which would make it simple to look up his party affiliation. When specifically asked for clarification as to his party affiliation, the spokeswoman told The Federalist in an email that she was not able to provide any further information.

“If convicted, on each count of the information [Pulley] faces a maximum possible sentence of five years of imprisonment, three years of supervised release, a $10,000 to $250,000 fine, and a $100 special assessment,” according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Eastern District of Pennsylvania

But legacy media assures

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