
If Palestinians Wanted Peace And Prosperity, They’d Already Have It



In 2005, Palestinian Arabs were given autonomy over the Gaza Strip for the first time in their history. To make it happen, the Israeli government was compelled to forcibly remove thousands of Israelis from the area. Without military protection, Jews would be murdered by Palestinians, who prefer their land Judenfrei.

As Jews were being evicted from their homes, some began to dismantle the farms and hothouses they’d built, reluctant to hand over years of hard work. Mind you, 3,500 Arabs were employed by the Israelis at the time. If Palestinians were interested in coexistence or prosperity, they would have asked these Gazan Jews, who had expertise in infrastructure, to stay and expand.

In the name of “peace,” however, American Jewish donors purchased the 3,000 remaining greenhouses that stood over 1,000 acres for $14 million and gave it to the Palestinian Authority, gratis. A large portion of the donations were earmarked for “crucial equipment like computerized irrigation systems” and other modern farming systems for Palestinians.

As soon as the Jews were gone, mobs of Palestinians showed up and broke windows, stole irrigation hoses, water pumps, and everything else they could get their hands on, destroying everything they could, as “police” stood by and watched. This happened before Hamas came to power. Before any blockades.

By 2007, the unity government between the PLO and Hamas had fallen apart after the latter won a landslide election in 2006 and began defenestrating its political opponents. There has not been a real election in the West

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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