
If Harris Wins, The Pro-Life Movement Won’t Stand A Chance



The intentional ending of an innocent human life is always wrong; so too then is every abortion and every destruction of a human embryo by an IVF clinic. However, a majority of Americans will never vote to ban all abortions or prohibit the destruction of embryos created for IVF. 

Our country has tumbled too far down the slope of situational ethics, brainwashed along the way with the rhetoric of choice. And if the overturning of Roe v. Wade proved anything, it was that a large swath of Americans will readily accept the lies of abortion apologists to prevent even a hypothetical complete ban on abortion — even if that means sacrificing a few thousand near-term babies demand by the Left’s extremism of abortion on demand, until birth.

The failure of Kansas’ referendum which would have left abortion regulation to the state legislature proves the point, as does the success of the various other state constitutional referenda on abortion passed in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision. For the same reason, a federal abortion ban stands no chance.

No amount of righteousness — and the absolutist pro-life position is righteous — will alter that reality.

What then should dedicated pro-life voters do?

The Democrat Party long ago proved itself unworthy of the pro-life vote. But should pro-lifers withhold their vote from the Republican Party now that the party’s platform removed its goal for a 20-week federal limit on abortion, proclaiming instead regulation of abortion should be left to the states?


CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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