
If GOP Contenders Can’t Condemn Get-Trump Lawfare During The Debate, Their 2024 Chances Are Dead



Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Sen. Tim Scott, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, former Vice President Mike Pence, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are all expected to take to the debate stage on Wednesday to kick off the 2024 Republican primary fight.

Former President Donald Trump plans to skip the debate and instead opt for an interview with Tucker Carlson. Some of Trump’s GOP challengers have already shunned and criticized his absence. The brunt of candidates’ onstage criticism, however, should be directed at the deep state for brazenly rigging yet another presidential election against the will of the American people.

Some candidates, such as Pence and Christie, have already ceded too much ground to the left by spinelessly refusing to defend Trump against the establishment’s partisan plotting. Other candidates, such as DeSantis and Ramaswamy, have accurately diagnosed the Demcorats’ scheming as a partisan problem with long-lasting ramifications.

Defensive statements, especially “backhanded” ones like DeSantis has repeatedly delivered, however, are powerless in the face of a power-hungry regime.

There’s no denying that the Department of Justice and the FBI are corrupt weapons of the Biden administration. The bureaucracy isn’t just tasked with doing everything in its power and more to punish Trump. The deep state is also dead set on declaring war on American voters.

A large majority of Americans, not just the people who consistently cast their votes for GOP candidates, recognize that the U.S. is governed by a two-tiered

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