
If Doctors Aren’t Mutilating Kids, Why Are Leftists Mad At Anti-Mutilating Laws?



The double game is falling apart. Last month, faced with a Florida bill meant to ban children from being sexually victimized, organizers of a gay pride parade decided to cancel their event. As many observed, “why would this pride parade need to be canceled if there were no plans to expose children to sexual content?” Exactly.

Conservatives have long been familiar with Rod Dreher’s Law of Merited Impossibility, which states: “It will never happen, and when it does, you bigots will deserve it.” Well, it seems legislators are finally figuring out how to fight back against the impossible: the Law Against Imaginary Dangers. Why ban something imaginary? Among other reasons, to get people to stop doing it.

In the Florida instance, gay pride organizers insist their events are family-friendly and do not sexualize young children and that concerns over grooming are a crazy conservative conspiracy theory. Yet the parade is forced to shut down when grooming is banned. Let the reader understand.  

Florida is not the only effective recent deployer of the Law Against Imaginary Dangers. Just this week in Austin, Texas, faced with a law banning chemical castration of children, an entire department of the local children’s clinic “departed.” Why would doctors, who absolutely did not and would not mutilate children, leave en masse when faced with a ban on mutilating children? Dell Children’s Medical Group did not respond to my request for comment.

It seems that Attorney General Ken Paxton initiated an Investigation Against

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