
If Devious Davos Elites Get Their Way, Your Lifestyle Could Be Tracked, Taxed, And Criminalized



Imagine for a moment if every real-life Bond villain decided not to hatch his evil plans in a secret lair, but instead broadcast them to the entire globe. That will give you a small idea of the messages that came out of the Word Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The global elites want to upend life as you know it, and they are not even trying to hide it.

The annual meeting has become a platform for the glitterati to showcase their utopian visions. However, recent developments and proposals emerging from this gathering reveal a concerning pattern: the eco-elite’s plan to exercise unprecedented control over everyday life through taxation, regulation, and criminalization. It is crucial to recognize this trend and challenge the dangerous trajectory it sets for the future. Here is just a sample of the recent proposals pushed.

The Carbon Tracker Plan

In 2022, the president of Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce conglomerate, celebrated harnessing technology to measure carbon footprints, opening the floodgates for government intervention.

“We’re developing, through technology, an ability for consumers to measure their whole carbon footprint,” said J. Michael Evans, president of Alibaba Group USA.

History shows that whenever governments measure something, their next step is often to tax and regulate it extensively. This intrusive approach, disguised as environmental concern, is easily dismissed by working Americans, but it is just another day at Davos.

Global Climate Tax Hysteria

At the 2024 conference, which took place while most of America was gripped by an

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