
If Democrats Don’t Want Blame For Appeasing Iran And Hamas, They Should Stop Doing It



There will be much more to say on the heart-wrenching massacre in Israel, the worst attack on Jewish civilians since the Holocaust and one of the most heinous acts of terror in decades.

Right now, though, many on the left seem upset that conservatives are pointing out that the last two Democratic administrations have appeased and funded the terror states responsible for the attack that has killed hundreds, if not thousands, of Israelis and at least four Americans.

There is, most obviously, Joe Biden’s recent $6 billion gift to the mullahs.

“Not a single cent from these funds has been spent, and when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people,” a White House National Security Council spokeswoman said. This pathetic and pedantic deflection was repeated endlessly by the president’s defenders. Even a child understands the concept of fungibility. It is true that Hamas didn’t spend that exact funding on their terror proxies. Islamic fascists, like everyone else, make fiscal plans with an eye on future earnings and spending. And the hostage-taking business happens to be booming.

And no, the $6 billion was not “their money” — no more than the roughly $25 billion that the Biden administration let Iran walk away with by ignoring sanctions or the $10 billion it gave Iran via a waiver to Iraq was their money. Sanctions separated the terror state from its money. That’s the entire point.

The only thing more ludicrous

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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