
I Was A California Prosecutor For 24 Years. Kamala Harris’ ‘Tough On Crime’ Schtick Is A Sham



Harris’s 2024 sham campaign ads tout her as a “tough on crime” 20-year prosecutor in an attempt to hide her true colors.

I served for 24 years as the elected Riverside County district attorney (the fourth-largest DA’s office in California), with bipartisan support. Viewed from within the profession, Harris was a failed prosecutor, both as San Francisco DA and California attorney general. Harris’ record, social media posts, and own words reveal her as a far-left politician — not a fair-minded and tough, nonpartisan prosecutor. Her actions reveal more sympathy for criminals than for crime victims and law-abiding members of the public.

District attorneys should be nonpartisan, professional prosecutors seeking justice with integrity and ethics as their cornerstone. Their job is to protect public safety by enforcing the law and prosecuting criminals. To the contrary, as a “progressive” prosecutor, Harris refused to file a death-penalty case against a gang member who gunned down a young police officer; had numerous ethical lapses and constitutional violations, causing the dismissal of over 1,000 criminal drug cases; and disregarded victims’ requests for help dealing with Catholic clergy sexual abuse cases, failing to prosecute any related cases as DA or AG.

Far from following her oath to uphold the Constitution and to protect public safety, she has advocated for open borders, welcoming the inevitable criminal element of such policies into our cities and towns. She also supported defunding the police and removing ICE as an enforcement tool. Unbelievably, she continues to promote “no cash” bail, allowing serious and

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