
Hysteria Over Joe Biden’s Decay Gives Off Soviet Power Struggle Vibes



The current media fight with Democrat Party donors over how to handle Joe Biden’s public senility recalls inter-Communist Party struggles just before the Soviet Union’s collapse.

The President of the United States has made clear he’s not stepping down, but secret cabals of donors and political operatives conspire to force him out. This is an attack on democracy.

— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) July 8, 2024

Joe Biden can now say he’s having to fight:

Media elites
Billionaire donors
Washington politicians
Hollywood moguls
and MAGA extremists.

Biden allies will likely mock these elites for wanting to substitute their judgment for that of millions of Democratic primary voters.

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) July 7, 2024

Before the Soviet Union collapsed, its puppet leaders Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, and Konstantin Chernenko were also publicly senile. They were, however, allowed to pose as in charge because that allowed bureaucratic underlings to consolidate power and top Soviets had no new ideas for reviving a self-destructing country.

A 1982 Washington Post opinion article about Brezhnev notes he had trouble speaking and walking, especially down airplane ramps. “[H]e also had slurring of his speech,” especially when tired. To stay alive, Brezhnev limited meetings with foreign leaders, and lackeys stayed at his side “lest he fall.”

On July 8 the Wall Street Journal detailed how Biden’s advisors “aggressively stage-managed” him “to minimize signs of” age. They take Brezhnev-like steps such as early bedtimes and limiting his meeting time, foreign travel, and interactions with voters.

The Left

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