
Hunter Biden Plea Deal Is A Tragedy About A Troubled Life (Kidding, It’s About The Trashy Bidens And The Corrupt DOJ)



After all the way that the public has been visually assaulted by Hunter Biden, you’d think the least the media could do is acknowledge us as the victims. But they can’t even do that.

Following the announcement this week that the president’s lowlife embarrassment of a son has reached a sticky-sweet plea deal with the Justice Department regarding his tax evasion and illegal gun possession, news outlets immediately set to work explaining that not only was it all following the standard legal process — but that Hunter himself was actually a victim!

The Washington Post on Wednesday ran an article under the headline, “The complicated relationship between a presidential father and a struggling son.” (One of the fundamental rules of the media is that if a scandal implicates a Republican, it’s very clear-cut who the villain is, but if it implicates a Democrat, well, things are more “complicated” and not so white-and-black!)

A sappier piece couldn’t have been written by Hunter’s publicist. Reporter Matt Viser wrote in the article that the plea deal, widely criticized by legal experts for its absurd leniency, “could bring closure to a long-running legal saga that has thrust to the forefront a complex relationship between a presidential father and a son recovering from addiction.”

Yeah, yeah, Hunter just got off after years of being investigated, during which time videos and photos have surfaced of his drug binges and sex with prostitutes. But there’s a much more human story to be told here about how the

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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