
Hunter Biden Defies Congressional Subpoena, Says Republicans ‘Belittled’ Recovery Attempt



After snubbing a formal subpoena from House lawmakers Wednesday, President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, gave an embarrassing performance at a press conference justifying his decision.

House Republicans, Hunter claimed in front of the Capitol, “belittled my recovery, and they have tried to dehumanize me, all to embarrass my father, who has devoted his entire life to public service.”

“For six years, I have been a target of the unrelenting Trump attack team,” Biden said. “‘Where’s Hunter?’ Well, here’s my answer. I am here.”

The president’s son delivered the speech in Washington to demand lawmakers allow him a public hearing in lieu of a closed-door deposition. Allowing Hunter Biden to dictate the conditions of his congressional subpoena, however, would not only break House protocol established by committees but would also give Biden treatment not afforded to Donald Trump Jr. in 2017. As part of the Democrats’ deep state operation to indict former President Donald Trump as a Russian agent, House lawmakers on the Intelligence Committee grilled Trump Jr. for hours in a closed-door deposition.

Now, Hunter is demanding House Republicans break from Democrats’ precedent and forgo a private deposition. Lawmakers have made clear, however, that Hunter Biden would not be given special treatment.

“We expect full cooperation with our subpoena for a deposition but also agree that Hunter Biden should have the opportunity to testify in a public setting at a future date,” said GOP House Oversight Chairman James Comer of Kentucky in November.

House Democrats, on the other hand,

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