
How To Move On From Ron, For DeSantis’s Understandably Disappointed Supporters



Alright, Gov. Ron DeSantis supporters, you’ve had a full day to be sad, angry, and whatever else, but now it’s time to move on. It sucks to lose, but it happens. Better luck next time.

DeSantis, also known as “the greatest Republican governor of my lifetime,” effectively ended his so very disappointing campaign for president on Sunday. As politicians of the same party routinely do after primaries, he immediately endorsed his competitor Donald Trump. That should be all his supporters needed to swallow however hard is necessary and do the same, but the wounds are apparently not just superficial for some of Team DeSantis.

Judging by a large number of his extremely-on-Twitter supporters, the defeat has deeply hurt their feelings. They’re taking it personally and sorely.

It’s every bit as unattractive as DeSantis’s dysfunctional campaign. The whole time he ran, he made nothing but a series of unfathomable decisions.

He refused to confront his critics in the media, formerly his strongest attribute and something he only just now admits was a catastrophic mistake. He blew millions on an inept leadership team. He kept his campaign manager Generra Peck in her position for months as his poll numbers nosedived. He wore those inexplicable boots and showed not even a flicker of self-awareness when anyone pointed out how undeniably oddly they fitted.

Why did he change the way he pronounced his name?

For whatever reason, the DeSantis Devotees aren’t interested in acknowledging any of it. Their unyielding argument is that the

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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