
How To Beat The Woke Children’s Publishing Industry At Its Own Game



The children’s book publishing industry — from authors to publishers to librarians — believes it should have the power to control your children’s minds. And it’s progressively gained that access.

Authors must include instant positive acceptance of any woke social agenda portrayed in their stories. If they don’t include this, they won’t get published by medium and large houses. This normalization of leftist ideology looks like the real world in books. When kids are shocked by something they read, that shock shifts to shame for being shocked in the first place. They will then replace their shame with acceptance. This is the power of normalization.

Publishing companies are no longer focused on quality writing, but rather on the spreading of leftist ideology. Their distribution catalogs are organized by agenda, not just genre. Awards are given to the most woke stories, and traditional values are mocked.

Library systems have “weeded out” books with traditional values and replaced them with modern Marxist tales. Books donated by well-meaning individuals are discarded, based on new system policies. Librarians themselves are more than happy to display, promote, and order books that are in line with their leftist values, not the values of the families who used to frequent the children’s library departments.

We are up against a tidal wave of indoctrination that has been decades in the building and has now grown to an industry-wide behemoth that includes all forms of media for kids.

So what can we do? Here are four ways parents can

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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