
How The Non-Trump Republicans Can Make The Second Debate Actually Matter



Every candidate who plans on attending the second Republican primary debate this week can do themselves and us voters a world of good by accepting two things: Donald Trump is almost certain to be the nominee, and until then, time and energy are best spent emphasizing just how absurdly, dangerously wrong everything is going under Democrat rule.

That doesn’t mean sucking up to the former president with the nauseating goody-goody act that Vivek Ramaswamy hams up every time he sees a TV camera. But the reality is that to the extent there remains any threat to Trump’s reelection campaign, it’s not anyone else running for the nomination. Since March, the month that Trump was first slapped with criminal charges, his support has only gone up. It’s now 15 points higher nationally today than it was then. He’s more than 40 points ahead of his closest competitor. Short of health failure or prison time, nothing is going to bring anyone else even close to taking the lead. (And don’t come at me about “national polls don’t matter”; every state-level poll shows nearly the exact same numbers.)

To be sure, health failure or prison time (or both) are very real possibilities for quadruple-indicted, 77-year-old Trump. Remaining in the race just in case of either occurring is reason enough. But the goal, at least for now, can’t be to defeat Trump. It’s to ensure everyone knows that everything bad, from the risk of WWIII to unnecessarily high inflation to unaffordable home and car

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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