
How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate



Since I wrote about Barack Obama on Wednesday and specifically addressed some of the inconsistencies and probable lies he’s told about his life, I’ve received some comments from readers and on social media regarding the speculation that Obama’s birth certificate is fake. And as it happens, I know a little something about the provenance of Obama’s birth certificate.

I was born in Hawaii and know a lot about the place. My mom’s family is Mormon going back generations, and in the 1950s, my mother attended the church college on the North Shore of Oahu — later known as BYU-Hawaii — before Hawaii was even a state. My mom’s younger sister also went to BYU-Hawaii and stayed there. She married a native Hawaiian, and I have native Hawaiian cousins and family.

My father was also a career Marine, so my dad was stationed at Kaneohe for six years starting in 1970. My dad spent a lot of time in Vietnam, so I guess Hawaii was as close as one could reasonably get to putting an officer with a family into something of an absurd commuting distance. I was born the last year we were stationed there. (For what it’s worth, Mom has never quite forgiven Dad for insisting we sell the house we lived in near the beach when we moved.)

Because my parents were older when I was born — Dad was 40, Mom was 37 — I wasn’t born at a military hospital. They were worried that hospital

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