
How Donald Trump Can Regain The Support Of Pro-Lifers



On Thursday, former President Donald Trump generated a firestorm of controversy in pro-life political circles.

During an NBC News interview, he was asked about Florida’s Amendment 4. This ballot proposition would place a right to abortion in Florida’s Constitution and overturn Florida’s current law that protects preborn children after six weeks gestation. In response, Trump stated, “I think the six-week is too short. There has to be more time.” Many interpreted his comments to mean he would vote in favor of Amendment 4.

Unsurprisingly, the Trump campaign went into spin mode. The campaign quickly sent out a press release that stated, “President Trump has not yet said how he will vote on the ballot initiative in Florida, he simply reiterated that he believes six weeks is too short.” Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America also sent out a press release stating that Trump had a conversation with its president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, in which he indicated that he has not committed to how he will vote on Amendment 4.

Lately, many pro-lifers have been frustrated with Trump because he has offered them precious little in terms of commitments on abortion policy. However, this exchange gives Trump the unique opportunity to regain the trust of pro-lifers and provide some valuable assistance in our efforts to defeat Amendment 4.

Even if Trump does not want to publicly oppose Amendment 4, he could still raise concerns about the ballot question. Specifically, he could say he is concerned that Amendment 4 would 1) legalize abortion throughout all

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