
How Did Biden Really Make His Millions? It’s Time For A Special Counsel To Find Out



“Where’s the money?” That was President Joe Biden’s response when asked last week about allegations that he had “sold out the country,” a response that he then clarified as a joke. It’s no joke any more though.

In the wake of a whistleblower report of a $5 million bribe allegedly accepted by then-Vice President Biden to influence policy in Ukraine, Republican lawmakers are now demanding transparency from the president regarding the substantial income he reported on his 2017 taxes.

The questions are long overdue. I first asked, “Where Is Hunter Biden’s Money?” just before the 2020 election, noting that civilian Biden had reported $9.5 million in income for fiscal year 2017 — almost twice as much as he had earned in the prior 19 years combined. A subsequent piece last year analyzed the accepted premise that this money had come from his book deal with Flatiron Books.

What I found was that “a notable $8.7 million gap exists between (his income tax-reported) $9.5 million net income in 2017 and the $809,709 of disclosed income in that year from book tour and related speaking events,” and “since his disclosure covers only part of 2017, we lack the insight into other income that may explain it.”

We lack the insight because this money flowed to Joe and Jill Biden by way of two S-corporations that they set up shortly after he left office in 2017, CelticCapri Corp. (his) and Giacoppa Corp. (hers). Despite claims that their tax returns had been released, the

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