
House Republicans: Force Joe Biden To Explain Why Israel And Ukraine Are More Important Than America



Here are two things I’m very, very tired of: Hearing how deadly important it is that we send billions more taxpayer dollars to fix the problems of other countries and watching my own country degrade and decay while being told everything is fine.

The federal government is allegedly in some sort of high-stakes standoff between House Republicans, Senate Democrats, and the White House over yet another request from Joe Biden to send tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel. Politico on Monday summarized the supposed conflict, writing that “the White House is insisting that its multifaceted funding request move in one piece due to fears that separating out Israel funding — with its overwhelming bipartisan support — would mean letting the more controversial Ukraine aid languish.”

In total, Biden is asking Congress for more than $100 billion in spending, the vast majority of which would go to his precious Ukraine, a few billion to Israel, and then something like ten bucks for “border security.” The problem for him, however, is that handing fistfuls of cash to President Zelenskyy(yyy) isn’t too popular with voters anymore — especially Republican voters. Knowing this, House Speaker Mike Johnson has offered to get money for Israel on its own and with nothing attached. That’s called “expressing the will of the people.” There was even the added bonus of making the funds available only if it came from spending that was already scheduled for elsewhere — in this case, on the IRS.

As for the

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