
House Republicans Dispel Democrats’ Lie Smearing GOP Poll Watchers As Threats To Democracy



House Republicans held a committee hearing on Thursday, in which witnesses highlighted the importance of poll watchers to elections and dispelled Democrats’ phony claims that such individuals are a threat to democracy.

“Election observation provides an independent perspective of the election administration process, to reassure voters of its integrity, or flag issues for correction,” said Subcommittee on Elections Chair and Florida GOP Rep. Laurel Lee. “It’s simple: A healthy election system includes meaningful election observer access, and we commend the many state and local election officials and poll watchers across the country who worked tirelessly in 2022 to make this key election integrity process work effectively.”

Following a 2020 presidential election marred by mass mail-in (and unsupervised) balloting and hundreds of millions of “Zuckbucks” poured into government election offices, conservative groups around the country made it a priority to get everyday citizens involved in the electoral process. As a result of this nationwide initiative, organizations such as the Republican National Committee (RNC) recruited more than 70,000 poll watchers and poll workers to “help deliver the election transparency that voters deserve” ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Despite the completely legitimate and legal nature of Americans supervising election administration, Democrats were livid. In the weeks leading up to the 2022 contest, left-wing activists masquerading as “journalists” published hit piece after hit piece warning that Republican “election deniers” were plotting to disrupt local election precincts on Election Day and intimidate voters. Like most other media-manufactured narratives, the tale never came true.

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