
High School To Expel Tennis Star For Reporting Desk Graffiti In Junior High



If you see something, say something, admonishes the modern-day motto of school safety. That’s why an eighth-grade student in the Upper Adams School District in Pennsylvania told her teacher when she noticed a threatening message written on her desk in pencil shortly after taking her seat.

“Gun,” it said, with an arrow pointing to the word, “Dead,” plus the words, “I will bomb this school.” That was Feb. 6, 2023, when she was 13.

The Federalist is withholding her name because she is a minor.

Now 15, she is supposed to be entering tenth grade, but the school blames her for the graffiti and has now, a year and a half later, decided to suspend her and start the process of expelling her from the small, rural school in the core of Pennsylvania’s apple orchard region.

And while no one is saying it is connected, her mother’s involvement in the Moms for Liberty lawsuit that is attempting to stop President Joe Biden’s Title IX rule allowing men in women’s school sports, creates some troubling timelines when dovetailed with the school’s reaction to the desk incident.

The suspension means the student is not allowed to step foot on school grounds and is banned from tennis practice, which started in late summer.

That is what hurts the most. She has been playing tennis on her backyard court, coached by her dad, since she was young, and she has developed into a skilled player. She previously earned the title of county champion, and this

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