
Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: Chuck Schumer Mounts The NYT Edition



New York Times headline, Feb. 14: “How Senate Democrats Flipped the Border Issue on Republicans.”

The headline asserts (as the Times would put it, without evidence, you f-cking liars!), that Democrats have succeeded at having “flipped the border issue on Republicans.” In other words, something that was previously a political detriment to Democrats is now the opposite.

Who says that? Not a single poll demonstrates that voters are suddenly sympathetic to Democrats on immigration, given that they caused the calamity, and none are cited by the author, Carl Hulse (an always reliable relayer of Democrat talking points).

The Times: “‘We had an epiphany — sort of, lightning strikes,’ Mr. Schumer recalled in an interview,” wrote Hulse, referring to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. “‘Do border. If we did it right and were tough about it, it’s a win for us. And it helps us with Ukraine because so many of our people care about Ukraine, they will vote for a good border bill.’”

Ah, OK. So this entire article comes from the perspective of the top Democrat in Congress, Schumer, but Hulse readily used his own name and the weight of the Times’ credibility to co-sign Schumer’s agenda as fact. Schumer wants the public to believe that he and his party were willing to get “tough” and “right” on the border, so he simply tells Hulse that’s the case, and Hulse prints it word for word without question because, incidentally, it’s what Hulse and the Times want as well.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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