
Here’s 5 Action Items Conservatives Should Focus On To Better Their Communities And Country



As a conservative, it’s hard to not get discouraged about the current state of our nation.

On an almost weekly basis, the federal government weaponizes its powers to persecute its political opponents and everyday conservatives. At the same time, this leftist leviathan goes out of its way to protect America’s corrupt First Family and allow street communists to go unpunished for breaking the law. It’s completely despotic.

While the situation may seem helpless, there are many ways in which everyday patriots can rally to save the country. As the left has routinely demonstrated, enacting change — whether in government or the culture — doesn’t require a majority but a vocal and active minority that’s devoted to the mission at hand.

To help advance the cause of liberty, I’ve compiled a list of five avenues that, if acted upon, could make a tremendous difference in stifling Democrats’ assault on the American experiment.

1. Remaining 2023 Elections

It’s no secret Democrats enjoy a structural and financial advantage over Republicans when it comes to elections. With left-wing nonprofits funded by leftist billionaires registering millions of likely Democrat voters in battleground states across the country, it remains critically important for conservatives to engage in similar efforts ahead of this year’s remaining elections.

Louisiana voters, for instance, will head to the polls on Oct. 18 to vote in elections for executive statewide offices (such as governor) and their state legislature, while states such as Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Kentucky, Virginia, and New Jersey will

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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