
Hearing: Federal Business Agency Spends ‘Bidenbucks’ To Win Michigan For Democrats



The Biden administration is squandering federal agencies’ limited resources to bolster voter registration among Democrat-targeted groups in key swing states, highlighted a congressional hearing Tuesday morning. 

The House Committee on Small Business heard from four witnesses on the voter registration efforts of the Small Business Administration. Those efforts stem from President Biden’s Executive Order 14019 commandeering federal agencies to target “underserved populations” for voter drives, according to Steward Whitson, senior director of federal affairs at the Foundation for Government Accountability. 

The White House asserts that its use of federal agencies to promote voter registration efforts that target majority-Democrat demographics is “bipartisan.” In the hearing, Rep. Pete Stauber, R-Colo., pushed back on that claim. 

“Roughly 91% of Michigan voters are registered to vote, with small business owners more likely to vote than the general population,” Stauber said. “If the purpose of the executive order is to register voters on a nonpartisan basis, why didn’t the SBA enter into an MOU with states that have lower voter registration than Michigan?” 

Stauber also declared, “Through our investigation, this committee has uncovered that the majority of SBA events have occurred in the southern portion of Michigan, mainly in Democratic strongholds. That is crystal clear to the American people.” 

Colloquially known as “Bidenbucks,” the order delegates voter registration duties to various federal agencies. Besides SBA, these include the Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Department of Labor, according to Whitson. 

Biden’s “unethical and illegal” order

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