
‘He Threw The Baby In The Pan’: The Late-Term Abortion Horrors Democrats Deny



Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of abortion.

Not only are late-term abortions real, but I met a man so infamous for performing them that his name is written forever into a Supreme Court case defending the practice. 

In 2016, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, who proudly specialized in abortions through all nine months of pregnancy, committing tens of thousands himself, gave a rare public lecture in my hometown for Johns Hopkins University’s Medical Students for Choice. My Students for Life group and I knew we had to attend.

Carhart didn’t just commit late-term abortions. In the early 2000s, he trained others to expand his late-term abortion work in Nebraska and later in Maryland, unashamedly promoting and profiting from abortions after 20 weeks (5 months) gestation in a state with no limits until birth. 

By the time I met him, it was widely known that Carhart had moved on to executing pre-born babies by “lethal injections,” poisoning the baby in the womb as a workaround to the 2003 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, which prevented a late-term killing technique he championed. Until the Supreme Court shut him down.

To understand the procedure, consider this excerpt from Gonzalez v. Carhart that contained the testimony of a nurse assisting with a 26-week (six-and-a-half-month) abortion, a time in which a baby can be born alive and survive:

[The doctor] delivered the babys body and the arms — everything but the head. The doctor kept the head right inside the uterus. … The babys little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the

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