
Have You Noticed A Lot More Americans Look Like A Frightful Hot Mess?



Pajama- and lingerie-wearing customers used to appear mostly at the lowest-end Walmarts and convenience stores. But this summer, it’s looking like the People of Walmart crowd has dramatically increased.

They’re at Target, at Sam’s Club, in the malls. They’re at Trader Joe’s, hip little trans-friendly burger shops, and the farmer’s market. To anyone hitting the beach this summer, have you noticed there, too, what seems like a dramatic increase in whole naked butt cheeks and antisocial narcissists blaring their music?

For Gen Z and others who didn’t catch the site years ago, the blog People of Walmart posts humorous pictures of people whose life choices clearly began going south many years before they ended up making a spectacle of themselves in public. The joke was that people would actually go out not just nearly naked — they do that everywhere now — but in the most unappealing states of near-nakedness, as well as otherwise visibly portraying inner disarray.

The People of Walmart vibe means shockingly overweight, slippers and pajamas 24/7, months of uncombed hair, congealing tattoos, clothes that can only be described as dumpster-fire skank or “nothing smaller than a bedsheet will cover me,” a muddy rainbow of hair shades, or combinations of the above plus other sartorial horrors.

Here are some examples from the blog. Trigger warning.

Of course, highly unattractive near-nakedness is the tip of a growing anti-beauty iceberg. Again, trigger warning: These yucky images may make you laugh too hard to continue reading this

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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