
Hamas Attack Is A Warning To America About The Risks Of Our Open Border



There are 32 miles of border separating Gaza from Israel. Since my first visit to that border in 1984, it’s been heavily fortified, with walls, fences, and surveillance systems backed up by soldiers and law enforcement. That system was overwhelmed in a matter of minutes in the early Sabbath hours of Oct. 7 as thousands of Hamas terrorists breached the border barrier in some two dozen places, pouring out to massacre, behead, rape, and capture hostages in an orgy of violence.

The number of civilians, including several Americans, Hamas murdered in Israel is proportionately more than 10 times that of those killed by al-Qaeda in its terror attack on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001.

America’s border with Mexico stretches 1,954 miles, about 61 times longer than Israel’s frontier with Gaza. By comparison, the U.S. population is about 35 times that of Israel while its land mass is about 444 times that of Israel. Israel’s border barrier was swamped in a coordinated military attack, with the bodies of at least 1,500 Hamas terrorists found along the border so far.  Meanwhile, the far longer and far more porous U.S.-Mexico border sees a constant stream of illegal migrants, often numbering more than 10,000 in a day.

Since Joe Biden became president in 2021, there have been 1.5 million known “gotaways” on the border, on top of 2.3 million illegal immigrants allowed into America, the majority of whom came over the southern border.

Among that flow of humanity are dangerous people who mean

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