
Half Of Male Inmates Pretending To Be Female Are Guilty Of Sex Crimes, State Data Shows



More than 50 percent of men who identify as transgender held at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections have been convicted of sexual assault or sexual abuse, according to a shocking new report from The Daily Signal, based on data obtained through a 2022 public records request by the Heritage Foundation.

According to the report, 81 of the 161 male inmates who claim to be transgender have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse. As The Daily Signal reported, sexual crimes could include “sexual exploitation of a child, sexual exploitation by a therapist, forced viewing of a sexual act, rape, sexual intercourse without consent, incest, sexual intercourse with a child, indecent behavior with a child, enticing a child, and more.”

The Department of Corrections would not disclose whether these male inmates were incarcerated in a male or female facility, but state policy indicates transgender-identified inmates can be placed in the wrong-sex facility in some cases.

These problems aren’t confined to Wisconsin. In January 2021, a law went into effect in California that could permit male serial rapists into women’s prisons. Transfers could be based on “individual preference,” meaning there is no need for male criminals to take hormones or amputate their genitals to be moved. Hundreds of inmates requested to be transferred in the months following the law, almost all men looking to be moved to women’s prisons. In fact, following the law’s passage, inmates were reportedly given contraceptives such as condoms and Plan B

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