
Governor Of Nation’s Largest Coal State Leads Charge To ‘Decarbonize’ The West



Carbon sequestration has become Republicans’ most popular answer to climate change, with GOP governors across western states pumping massive stores of concentrated CO2 into underground chambers. Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon, who chairs the Western Governors Association, currently leads the charge to his state’s detriment.

Last week, lawmakers in Wyoming heard from members of the CO2 Coalition who challenged Governor Gordon’s pledge to decarbonize the energy-intensive state with carbon capture programs. Dr. William Happer, the founder of the CO2 Coalition, compared such efforts to a “religion” before the Senate Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Committee.

“If you look around, you need something bigger than yourself to make your life worthwhile: Happer said. “What’s bigger than saving the planet? The problem is the planet doesn’t need saving.”

The hearing featured testimony from Happer along with the coalition’s executive director, Dr. Gregory Wrightstone, and Frits Byron Soepyan, a chemical engineer with the non-profit. Other members of the CO2 Coalition’s board who did not testify at the hearing include Drs. Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, and John Clauser, a current Nobel laureate in physics honored at the White House last spring.

“Let me just address this 1.5-degree narrative,” Wrightstone said.

It’s already warmed 1.2 degrees. So, of that 1.5, it’s warmed 1.2. So, what they’re telling you is beware of three-tenths of a degree centigrade of warming which equates to half a degree Fahrenheit. It’s just changed half a degree Fahrenheit in this room recently, you’ve never noticed

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