
Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To Left-Wing Elections Group



Google is directing Americans searching for information on how to register to vote to an organization bankrolled by left-wing dark money, The Federalist has learned.

American users who pulled up the search engine’s homepage on Tuesday were greeted with a company logo decorated with “Register to Vote” stickers. The design was seemingly in commemoration of National Voter Registration Day.

Underneath the Google search bar is a sentence that reads, “Register to vote ahead of the 2024 election.” The “Register to vote” portion contains a hyperlink that, when clicked on, redirects the user to a Google search page containing information on how potential voters can register in their respective states.

Google notes that the provided information comes from a nonprofit organization known as Democracy Works, which “promotes the use of technology to increase voter participation,” according to InfluenceWatch.

Upon clicking on the “Democracy Works” hyperlink, users are taken to a webpage with a guide compiled by the group that includes information on how potential voters in their specific state can register to vote, existing registration requirements, and absentee ballot deadlines, among other election-related dates and data. These guides also include a section titled, “Are elections secure?” which reads, “Election officials in your state and community are working hard to ensure the integrity of our elections. All states have implemented security measures to protect the vote.”

What Google does not disclose to potential voters, however, is that Democracy Works is a prominent player in Democrats’ heavily funded election

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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