
George Santos’ Real Crime Was Making Democrats Look Stupid



Politicians lie all of the time. If lying your way to office were illegal, then Joe Biden would be in jail.

As voters cast their ballots in the 2020 presidential election, former Vice President Biden sought to dismiss evidence of his family’s global influence-peddling scheme as Russian disinformation. Days before the second and final presidential debate, an abandoned Delaware laptop surfaced, implicating now-President Biden in his son’s potentially criminal overseas business activities. When pressed over the scandal on the prime-time debate stage by President Donald Trump, Biden told the nation that allegations from the laptop stemmed from a campaign of Kremlin interference.

Biden’s campaign even apparently convinced dozens of former intelligence officials to pen a letter to Politico informing the public the laptop was planted by Moscow. The Democrats’ claims came despite the FBI, the Department of Justice, then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, and then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo debunking the laptop’s connection to Russia.

But on Tuesday, freshman Republican Rep. George Santos joined Biden’s chief political opponent to face charges in a New York courtroom. Santos pled not guilty to a 13-count indictment from the Department of Justice, the same department simultaneously slow-walking investigations into Biden family business practices after agents worked to suppress the laptop story. The Republican’s arrest also just so happened to take place on the same day House GOP Oversight Chairman James Comer of Kentucky gave a press conference presenting blockbuster evidence of presidential corruption.

[READ: Bidens Made Millions Exchanging Political Favors For Foreign

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