
Gavin Newsom’s Rebuke Of Democrat Antisemitism Is All Politics, No Principles



Earlier this week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom — who is clearly running for president without technically running— issued a rebuke to the pro-Hamas wing of his own Democratic Party (a surprisingly large cohort, that), declaring in a tweet that Hamas is a terrorist organization and must be called what it is: evil.

The tweet was in response to a video of what happened when the Oakland City Council recently voted on a resolution calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. During the debate, a city council member tried to insert language condemning Hamas — and all hell broke loose. Turns out there were a lot of frankly antisemitic terrorist sympathizers in the crowd that day, just as there are a lot of them in the Democratic Party at large, it seems.

These people aren’t afraid to be candid about their repugnant views. At the Oakland City Council meeting, a parade of outraged Hamas apologists came to the mic to insist there were no babies beheaded or women raped by Hamas, and that actually “Israel murdered their own people” on Oct. 7. We also found out from these speakers that condemning Hamas is racist, that Hamas has a right to “resist occupation,” that there was no massacre of Jews on Oct. 7, and that anyone who says otherwise is peddling “atrocity propaganda” and is also a white supremacist.

Since Oct. 7, we have learned that these are what pass for ordinary views among a sizeable cohort of the American left, which seems to have followed

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