
Garland’s Special Counsel Gambit Confirms Hunter Investigation Was Always Shady



In a Friday news dump, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced he’s appointed U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, David Weiss, as special counsel in the probe of Hunter Biden. “I have concluded,” Garland claimed, “that it is in the public interest to appoint him as special counsel.”

Which makes zero sense.

Wasn’t Weiss already responsible for the “ongoing investigation” of President Joe Biden’s son “as well as for any other matters that arose or may arise from that investigation?” For years now, Garland claimed that Weiss had ultimate authority to investigate charges against Hunter or any other criminality related to the Biden family business. Yet he didn’t do anything.

Politico, for example, explains that a special counsel appointment is bad news for Hunter because a “request for a change of venue would not have been possible without Garland’s special counsel designation, which now gives Weiss the latitude to file charges outside of Delaware.” But in a June press conference, Garland reiterated that Weiss could prosecute Hunter in “any way he wanted to” and anywhere he wanted to. Weiss himself claimed that he had “never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction.”

Again, why would Weiss be bestowed with special powers he already possesses?

Was the naming of special counsel hastened by the revelation that when Biden Inc. received big payouts from foreigners, Vice President Joe was — by complete happenstance, no doubt — also having dinners with the beneficiaries? Or was it the revelation that Joe

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