
French President Macron Sold The West Out To China For An Ego Boost



French President Emmanuel Macron concluded his state visit to communist China this past week. His behaviors during the visit and comments afterward revealed him as a useful idiot of the CCP as well as an ungrateful and unreliable partner of the United States. 

Macron went to China with the European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen. Before the trip, Macron hoped to persuade China’s leader Xi Jinping to “reason” with Russia’s Vladimir Putin to end the Russia-Ukraine war. Instead, Macron let himself be played by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) like a fool. 

The CCP deployed a typical divide-and-conquer strategy during Macron’s visit, intentionally treating Macron and von der Leyen differently. Before leaving for China, von der Leyen called for a “bolder” EU policy on China because Beijing has become “more repressive at home and more assertive abroad.” Her Chinese hosts responded by giving her cold shoulders — they didn’t roll out a red carpet for her and excluded her from certain state functions between Xi and Macron.

In contrast, the CCP showered Macron with pomp and pageantry, including a full red-carpet welcome at the airport and an extended meeting between Macron and Xi that lasted four hours. Macron concluded his state visit by having tea with Xi at a garden in Guangdong, a province Xi’s father used to be in charge of. 

A video clip demonstrates how far the CCP would go to stroke Macron’s outsized ego. Macron was seen walking down a street as crowds of Chinese people eagerly tried to shake his

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