
Florida Republicans Are Crafting A Legislative Blueprint Other Red States Should Follow



Since scoring major electoral victories in the 2022 midterms, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state’s Republican-controlled legislature have been busy at work making their state the most conservative in the nation.

On an almost-weekly basis, Florida Republicans are implementing laws designed to defeat leftists’ ongoing jihad against sanity and the American experiment. From protecting Florida’s children from the harms of transgenderism to strengthening Second Amendment rights, DeSantis and company are creating a sanctuary for freedom-loving Americans seeking refuge from the government-induced tyranny in blue states. It’s a blueprint that should — but hasn’t been — replicated by other allegedly “red” states.

By employing Florida’s framework for success, Republicans can create a multi-state coalition to fight back against the left’s continued encroachment on the country’s freedoms and livelihoods. To help make this goal a reality, The Federalist has compiled a list of the Sunshine State’s major 2023 legislative victories that citizens in other GOP-dominated states can model to make their communities as conservative as Florida.

Protecting Children from Leftist Indoctrination and Perversion

Last week, DeSantis signed a series of bills aimed at protecting children from leftist indoctrination and perversion. Under HB 1069, students and teachers would no longer be required to “declare” their pronouns at school or be forced to address someone with pronouns not based on one’s sex. The bill also prohibits school officials from instructing children in Pre-K through eighth grade on concepts such as sexual orientation and so-called “gender identity.” The latter provision builds upon the state’s

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