
Fauci Testimony Forces The Washington Post To Debunk Its Own Fake News 



One of the most comical headlines that came out of Anthony Fauci’s testimony before Congress on Monday, in which he confirmed that there was no scientific evidence for the six-foot social distancing rule, was this gem by Dan Diamond for The Washington Post: “In the pandemic, we were told to keep six feet apart. There’s no science to support that.” Well, fancy that.

Fauci’s stunning admission builds on closed-door testimony before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus back in January, in which Fauci revealed that the six-foot rule — which underpinned the social distancing edicts — “sort of just appeared.” When multiple Republican members questioned Fauci on Monday about the origins of these social distancing guidelines, Fauci acknowledged that they had not been studied in trials and were insufficient to stop the spread of the virus through the air.

This demonstrates not only the dishonesty of leading public health officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) but also the complicity of major news outlets, notably The Washington Post, in spreading this noxious propaganda. There was no objectivity, curiosity, scrutiny, or a genuine desire to represent the public interest. Instead, “journalists” fell over themselves in their eagerness to fuel the Covid fear machine, isolate people from each other, and demonize President Donald Trump in the process. 

Between March 4 and March 9, 2020, our public health overlords inexplicably shifted from recommending that Americans wash hands and stay home while sick to demanding

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