
Fani Willis Case’s Judge Is Probably Too Scared To Do The Right Thing



Before the end of the week, we’re supposed to know whether Georgia Democrat District Attorney Fani Willis’s ridiculous street-gang prosecution of Donald Trump and associates will be killed off before it goes to trial. But for that to happen, it’s going to take an extraordinary act of bravery from Judge Scott McAfee and, well, the record so far is that he’s not exactly Rambo in a robe.

McAfee self-imposed the Friday deadline for his decision on the defense team’s move to disqualify Willis. They accuse her of self-dealing byhiring her then-boyfriend to join her office’s get-Trump prosecution at a salary earning him (and thus, her) hundreds of thousands of Georgia taxpayer dollars.

Willis denies the allegation, although the evidence that she was in a relationship with Nathan Wade at the time she recruited him as special counsel — an otherwise inexplicable choice given that he’s a defense attorney, not a prosecutor — is overwhelming. To make the Jerry Springer affair all the more entertaining: in defending herself, Willis claimed to keep alarming amounts of cash on hand, which she used to reimburse Wade for several lavish vacations they took together in recent months.

If cash was the game, there’s no one to blame!

It’s been a comically sleazy display straight out of a “Madea” movie but, in all likelihood, if McAfee has let this freak show come this far, there’s no reason to think he’s ready to shut it down now.

A serious judge under normal circumstances would have

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