
Facts Of Biden Bribery Investigation Expose Old NYT Reporting As FBI-Fueled Fake News



The month before Joe Biden’s inauguration, FBI sources collaborated with The New York Times’ Russia-collusion hoaxer Adam Goldman to falsely portray the investigation into Hunter Biden as a big ole nothingburger. Americans just didn’t know it at the time. However, revisiting Goldman’s article now, in light of recent whistleblower revelations and statements by former Attorney General William Barr, reveals this reality — and more.

On Dec. 11, 2020, The New York Times published Goldman’s piece, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Dept. Pursuit of Hunter Biden.” Along with Katie Benner and Ben Protess, who shared the byline, Goldman recounted supposed details of the investigation into Hunter Biden, saying their reporting was “based on interviews with five current and former law enforcement officials and others with knowledge of F.B.I. interactions with the Justice Department.” 

The article was replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives, all designed to create the appearance that the investigation into the son of the soon-to-be president was politically motivated and lacking in merit. The piece was transparently timed to hit within days of Hunter Biden announcing Delaware prosecutors were investigating him for tax crimes. 

Goldman’s article didn’t focus on the tax evasion investigation, however, but instead targeted the then-U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, whom Barr had tasked with screening any new material related to Ukraine. As we now know, and as the agents involved in the investigation out of Pittsburgh and FBI headquarters knew then, the material Brady screened included an FD-1023

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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