
Extreme And Deceptive Abortion Until Birth Amendments Make The Ballot In Arizona, Missouri



Missouri and Arizona officially joined this week the ranks of six states that have fallen prey to extremist-led efforts to enshrine abortion until birth in state constitutions via proposed amendments.

A majority of U.S. adults oppose Democrats’ plans to legalize abortion through birth. Yet voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota who have no doubt been duped by euphemistic calls for “reproductive rights” are poised to decide this November if they will permanently allow abortion through all nine months in their state.

Missouri Republicans, specifically, had a chance to foil the Democrats and abortion activists’ deceptive efforts to sneak unlimited abortion into the deep red state by passing legislation that would have fortified the constitutional amendment process. As Federalist Staff Writer Shawn Fleetwood reported in May, GOP senators even possessed the votes they needed to kill Democrats’ 50-hour filibuster but decided to adjourn the upper chamber instead.

The state GOP’s deliberate refusal to proceed kept them from protecting their state and voters’ pro-life principles from extremists who are set on expanding the abortion industry’s influence after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling.

Abortion in Missouri is currently banned except in cases of medical emergencies. The proposed amendment introduced by the ill-named Missourians for Constitutional Freedom and certified by the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office on Tuesday, however, specifically seeks to permanently permit abortion by adding a “right to reproductive freedom” to the state constitution.

The deliberately vague wording claims anyone in the state will be allowed to

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