
Exclusive: New Report Details Growing Threat Of Noncitizens Voting In U.S. Elections



The House is expected Wednesday to take up another continuing resolution that would fully fund the federal government for another six months. But the spending bill, as Speaker Mike Johnson promised, includes a provision that requires anyone registering to vote in federal elections to provide documented proof of citizenship. 

As it stands (if Republicans don’t develop a recurring case of the weak knees), Democrats will have to decide whether they want to avert a government “shutdown” by the end of the month or whether they want to continue to stand by as foreign national vote in U.S. elections. Polls show a solid majority of Americans support citizen-only voting. 

A new report from the Foundation for Government Accountability, exclusively provided to The Federalist, breaks down the integrity cracks in the U.S. election system and urges Congress to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act and states to clean up their voter rolls. 

The problems are only magnified by an unprecedented 10 million U.S. Border Patrol encounters with illegal aliens in the nearly four years that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been in office. The record numbers under the administration’s borderless policies have raised understandable concerns about noncitizens showing up on voters rolls and some, ultimately, voting in November’s election. 

“There are at least 25 million non-citizens in the country according to the Census Bureau and no federal enforcement mechanism to ensure their names don’t appear on the voters rolls,” Paige Terryberry, senior research fellow at the Foundation

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